We consult with colleges and universities looking to grow their computing education programs and attract more diverse students to teaching computer science and to computer science and related careers.
Support in adding CS/CT to teacher education programs
Support in adding CS/CT to teacher education programs
As more states adopt computing education policies, including requirements for elementary, middle, and high school students, more teachers will need to understand this new critical content area. However, teacher educators and preservice programs typically have not included computer science or computational thinking. To support systems change for these programs and leaders, the Northern Lights Collaborative director, Jennifer Rosato, has been involved in developing the CSTA Standards for CS Teachers and the accompanying Guidance for Schools of Education. Rosato has also led workshops for teacher educators to learn about CS/CT content and pedagogy as well as integrating CS/CT in their programs.
Support for improving pedagogy and equity in undergraduate computing programs
Support for improving pedagogy and equity in undergraduate computing programs
Supporting educators to create equitable learning environments does not end in K-12 education but is also key in supporting students who choose further study of computing in higher education. The Northern Lights Collaborative has experience supporting higher education faculty and programs in learning about and implementing strategies to broaden participation in their programs, including examining recruitment, retention, and graduation data to identify areas for improvement.